Water is every body’s need

Water is crucial to every living being’s survival on this Planet, be it plants, animals, birds, insects, fishes….every ‘living’ being needs it.

The Animal Water Bowl Project is thus worth including In Your ‘Yearly’ Resolution List.

You can pledge or encourage your kids to pledge that, “Everyday I will provide safe drinking water to all the animals at my place”.

Not only will it inculcate a feeling of responsibility and compassion, but also give great satisfaction when you/your kids actually see thirsty birds, animals and insects quenching their thirst, thanks to the clean water you put out for them daily.

These voiceless innocent beings need safe drinking water too, just like Humans. And, as we humans are responsible for destroying the habitats and rivers, that they relied on, all in the name of development, it is now our responsibility to save their lives by providing the things which are possible rather than ignoring them.

AWBP India_Animal Water Bowl Project
Art by Carolina Mamani (artwork made as per the idea was given by the founder of AWBP INDIA). Artist gave complete rights on this artwork to AWBP INDIA and we at JAAGRUTI give complete credit to AWBP and the Artist for this beautiful piece of Art and the lovely message, that prompted us to share it on our platform to reach and sensitize more people.