JAAGRUTI® Waste Paper Recycling Services

We would like to introduce our updated website for JAAGRUTI™ Waste Paper Recycling Services on the very platform, (namely this JAAGRUTI™ Blogwhich helped start it all in a very humble way in August 2011.

Under these services, we have till now proudly worked with around 200+ organisations and institutions across Delhi-NCR  to manage and recycle their paper waste.

If requested and required for, we also undertake educational initiatives (through workshops and ideas on print collaterals) to sensitize the employees/students of the institutions we engage with, to make them understand the relevance of recycling and inculcate the habit of ‘ segregating paper wasted by them for recycling purposes’ into their daily work/life regimens.

Custom-made Recycled Paper Stationery: In 2014, we have also ventured into manufacturing of custom made paper stationery out of recycled paper and board for interested institutions at a very competitive price. It helps us close the loop on the chain if recycling, when institutions prefer to go green by opting to use and/or purchase/supplement their existing stationery with our products made of recycled paper and board. Interested? Please fill this form and we will get back to you.

Ad for custom made stationery

To know how your organisation can get their waste paper recycled through us or order custom-made recycled paper stationery products, you can contact us by either of the following options:

1. You can call us on +91-98101 91625 (if the phone is not reachable owing to network problems, please drop in an e-mail as stated in Point 2)

2. E-mail us on paper@we-recycle.orgwith a cc to contact@jaagruti.org from your official e-mail address, with your contact details, office address and a guesstimate of the monthly/quarterly waste paper generation in your company/institution

3. Or you may submit your query here and we will contact you promptly.

Thanks as always for your support and encouragement!

Vasudha and Vivek – Co-founders and Directors

14 thoughts on “JAAGRUTI® Waste Paper Recycling Services

  1. I wanted to know that can we start a combined initiative as ITC is doing to collect the waste paper from the households in Delhi or use the waste paper aggregated in Delhi slums?
    Do you also use cardboards to recycle?


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